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Knit Two, by Kate Jacobs, is a book that is semi-typical in its message on powerful women. A group of women, in New York City, bond around knitting and a yarn store. It is the sequel to the Friday Night Knitting Club and thankfully not a let-down.

The novel tries to deal with the drama of death and loss, but it only succeeds in making life look full of opportunity, which is a sentiment that doesn’t really fit with dealing with the aftermath of death and a missing loved one. Basically, this story encompasses every woman’s dream: success in many fields, children while still retaining one’s independence, and, of course, young love. The writing style fits the light content of the book. The book leans towards the cliché and trite, but because the characters are endearing and the writing style is slightly peppy, a reader is not bored when encountering the same themes of womanhood in New York City.

I would recommend this book to anyone with a great love of the city and a need to escape the doldrums of their life for a more effervescent one.
-Esther Brott


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