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Two gorgeous English redheads, two soul singers with 2011 edge? These ladies are practically screaming for an If You Like, Then You'd Like! Onwards, readers, into another pairing designed to expand your distinctly American horizons, featuring an artist the Brits have been loving since '09. I, your steadfast matchmaker, offer you once more a musical love connection--Here's a  solid and sturdy link among those cocktail party recommendations and blind Pandora guesses that form the fringes of your musical awareness: If you like Adele, then you'd like Paloma Faith.

Singles from Adele's debut, 19, and follow-up, 21, have stayed on the Billboard 200 for weeks--I'd hazard a guess that some of you managed to grab tickets to her sold-out shows at the Beacon in May. But somehow U.S. radio's missed another bombshell of a frontwoman with voice to match, one who's crashing the soul-pop niche that Adele so happily calls home. Paloma Faith, by the way, was a lingerie model, burlesque singer, and magician's assistant before breaking into the British scene, and you'll only need a minute or two of Youtubeing to realize that her childlike quirkiness sets the newcomer apart. But for those of you over 21 and hungry for more Adele, Paloma's Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful? will do you one better (here's hoping, anyway).

Here's Adele's latest, all over the air and the internet, Rolling in the Deep:

And here's a live acoustic version of Paloma's single Stone Cold Sober:

And, because I can't resist, please don't miss one cover of Akon's Sexy Bitch (that's Sexy Chick, on "clean" radio) that would make any feminist proud. No, seriously:


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